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Just a note to thank you for providing me with my coach. Since he has been teaching me, it’s the first time over my trading career that my trading account has slowly started to increase in value, instead of decreasing. Over these past months I’ve finally started to recognize good potential trades as well as when not to trade. Now that I seem to have gotten the very basics down, my coach is currently working with me to convey his mastery of recognizing alternative counts, diagonals, triangles & complex correctives. He is a concise, courteous, professional who goes the extra mile to make sure I am getting it. You should be proud to have such a talented & successful coach on your staff. I feel as I start to recognize & master these more complex movements, I’m finally in the home stretch of becoming an independent trader.

Ken Snitz

This program exposes one to many different teachers and approaches, and all types of trading. They have been very responsive to me, addressing my concerns promptly and I think their focus is really to deliver good product for the student and not simply to make money for themselves. Trading is a complex and often confusing endeavor. My coach was able to cut through much of this complexity by teaching me to focus on trading the trend. Not that trading has become simple, but his approach has provided me with a framework which has been very helpful to me in evaluating and trading markets.

D. Mcmillan (Davie, Florida)